
uw致力于为所有背景的学生提供教育机会,无论其经济状况如何. There are thousands of grants and scholarships available to students of all majors.

  • 99% of our full-time, first-time in college students receive some type of grant/scholarship aid, with an average amount awarded of $24,651.
  • 关于 2.12亿美元 在2022年秋季从所有来源获得的奖项.

For a full list of scholarship opportunities at UIW, visit the 学术资源 页面.


作为申请的一部分,首次入学的新生会自动被考虑获得学术奖学金. These scholarships are awarded based on high school GPA.

新生学术奖学金在7美元之间,000 - $20,从即将到来的秋季开始,每年将有10,000英镑, 并且最长可再生4年.

总统奖学金 $20,000 /年
院长奖学金 每年15,000美元
优秀学生奖学金 每年$12,000
杰出的奖学金 $10,000 /年
UIW成就奖 7,000美元/年


UIW提供额外的2美元,000元/年 scholarship for any student graduating from a Catholic high school. 此奖项不需要单独申请. Accepted students from Catholic high schools will automatically receive the scholarship.

来自圣. Anthony Catholic High School (SACHS) is eligible to receive a full tuition four-year scholarship to attend UIW. 获得奖学金, the valedictorian must enroll at UIW the fall semester immediately following graduation from SACHS.


uw SACHS毕业生奖学金的资格和续签要求uw主校区(百老汇)全日制注册. The scholarship is valid for a maximum of eight total semesters, comprised of four fall semesters and four spring semesters. This scholarship is not valid for summer enrollment. The scholarship is valid for enrollment leading to a first-time bachelor’s degree only. 参加研究生或专业学位课程的学生一旦开始其课程的研究生或专业部分,就没有资格获得奖学金. 奖学金的续签取决于学生保持良好的学习成绩并取得令人满意的学业进步, defined as a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. 学生必须在每个秋季和春季学期结束时成功完成至少12个UIW学分,并且需要连续的秋季/春季入学.

The scholarship is for tuition only and does not include an award for university fees. 如果学生收到其他资助,导致超过全额学费或未能达到资格要求,奖学金可能会减少或停止. This scholarship may not be stacked with other UIW institutional aid. The student remains eligible to receive non-UIW scholarships, 哪些可以用于其他费用, 比如学生宿舍. 在授予第一个学士学位后,该奖项的任何未使用部分将被没收,不适用于在UIW获得第二个学士学位或学士学位后的学习. UIW reserves the exclusive right to determine eligibility f或者是 award year-to-year.




正在完成第一个本科学位并在认可的大学完成至少24个学分的转学生将自动被考虑作为其申请的一部分获得学术奖学金. 这些奖学金是根据GPA颁发的. These scholarships are renewable for up to four years of undergraduate coursework. 参加护理学加速学士学位(ABSN)课程的转学生没有资格获得此奖学金.

转学奖学金, 2024年秋季学期生效, 价格在13美元之间,000 - $17,000元/年, 并且最长可再生4年.

奖学金 金额 GPA范围
总统奖学金 $17,000 3.5+
优秀学生奖学金 $15,000 2.9 - 3.49
杰出的奖学金 $13,000 2.5 - 2.89


Each Phi Theta Kappa member from an accredited 2-year institution 将获得2美元,000元/年. 获奖者必须是Phi Theta Kappa国际荣誉协会的现任成员,并且累积GPA必须达到3分.50或以上. Recipients will need to present their certificate to be awarded. 参加护理学加速学士(ABSN)课程的学生没有资格获得这项奖学金.

The 道成肉身的大学 has been named to Phi Theta Kappa's 2024 Transfer Honor Roll, 该奖项旨在表彰社区学院转学生在发展和支持充满活力和创新的途径方面的卓越表现.

Phi Theta Kappa的印章

正在攻读第一个学士学位的学生, with their most recent 24 credit hours from Alamo Colleges and a cumulative GPA of 3.0或更高, 将获得2美元,000元/年 in addition to other 转移 academic scholarships awarded. 参加护理学加速学士(ABSN)课程的学生没有资格获得这项奖学金.

从Healy Murphy毕业并获得阿拉莫社区学院副学士学位并被UIW录取的学生将有机会在UIW完成学士学位,并在所有可用州申请后支付所有未支付的学费, 联邦和机构奖励.


To be eligible f或者是 scholarship, the student must be admissible to UIW and submit a FAFSA. Eligibility and renewal of covered tuition requires full-time UIW 主校区 (Broadway) enrollment. 奖学金有效期为8个学期,包括4个秋季学期和4个春季学期. The scholarship is not valid for summer enrollment. The scholarship is valid for enrollment leading up to a first-time bachelor's degree only. 参加研究生或专业学位课程的学生一旦开始其课程的研究生或专业部分,就没有资格获得奖学金. 奖学金 renewal is dependent upon the student annually submitting the FAFSA, 保持良好地位, 并取得令人满意的学业成绩, defined as a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. 学生必须在每个秋季和春季学期结束时成功完成至少12个UIW学分,并且需要连续的秋季/春季入学.

The scholarship is for tuition only and does not include an award for university fees. 如果学生收到其他资助,导致超过全额学费或未能达到资格要求,奖学金可能会减少或停止. The student remains eligible to receive non-UIW scholarships, 哪些可以用于其他费用, 比如学生宿舍. 在授予第一个学士学位后,该奖项的任何未使用部分将被没收,不适用于在UIW获得第二个学士学位或学士学位后的学习. UIW reserves the exclusive right to determine eligibility f或者是 award year-to-year.


一旦收到学生的正式成绩单,证明希利墨菲文凭和完成副学士学位,奖学金将被发布到学生的经济援助奖中. The scholarship shall be renewed annually so long as the student continues to meet eligibility factors.


所有新生和转学奖学金的资格和续期要求全日制主校区(百老汇)UIW注册. The scholarship is valid for enrollment leading to a first-time bachelor’s degree only. 奖学金的续签取决于令人满意的学业进展,并且学生的最低累积平均绩点(GPA)保持在2分.在每学期结束的时候. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 UIW credit hours at the end of each semester. 奖学金不会增加, 但可能会减少, 取消了, or discontinued if the student receives other aid that interferes with the award, 不注册全日制, 转移支付制度, or moves to a non-主校区 UIW degree program. 在授予第一个学士学位后,该优异奖的任何未使用部分将被没收,并且不适用于uw的第二个学士学位或学士学位后的学习. 参加研究生或专业学位课程的学生一旦开始其课程的研究生或专业部分,就没有资格获得奖学金. UIW reserves the exclusive right to determine eligibility f或者是 award year-to-year. 参加护理学加速学士(ABSN)课程的学生没有资格获得这些奖学金.


uw MBA优秀奖学金是一项学术奖学金,适用于符合条件的百老汇校区MBA研究生. Qualified students will receive a scholarship award that will total $8,000, 分为四个学期, 不包括夏季学期. This scholarship is not valid for summer enrollment. 资格, continuous fall and spring enrollment must be maintained; summer enrollment is not required. 奖学金的第一个秋季和春季学期将需要至少连续注册9个学分才有资格获得奖学金. 最后的秋季和春季学期将需要至少6个学分的连续入学资格. Students enrolled in MBA programs outside of the Broadway Campus, 比如在专业研究学院, 不符合申请奖学金的条件. This scholarship may not be stacked with other tuition programs, such as a Graduate Assistantship. Recipients must maintain a cumulative graduate grade point average of 3.0或更高 to remain qualified to continue to receive the scholarship.


UIW offers a discount to families with multiple dependent siblings from the same household attending UIW. Only siblings who are simultaneously enrolled as full-time undergraduate students on the Main Campus may apply.

  • 的最后期限: 8月. 22, 2022 to be considered for Fall 2022/Spring 2023 or Jan. 9、2023年只考虑2023年春季.


Students interested in ROTC scholarships should visit the 军队参加后备役军官训练军团 或者是 空军后备军官训练队 websites for more information on the programs, scholarships and requirements.


部门 联系人 电话号码 网站
美术 米格尔丝膜 210-829-3861 View Art奖学金
军乐队 布雷特·理查森 210-829-3855 View Band奖学金
音乐 比尔Gokelman 210-829-3855 View音乐奖学金
剧院 马克·斯特林汉姆 210-829-3805 View戏剧奖学金

UIW will compete in the Western Athletic Conference f或者是 2022-23 academic year. 奖学金s are available and awarded by the coaches of each sport. For information on athletic scholarships, contact the Athletic Office at (210) 829-2722 or visit the 田径主页.


红衣主教化学澳门博彩官网下载(C2S)计划包括奖学金和支持系统,帮助主修化学或生物化学的学生完成学位,然后找到工作或进入化学或生物化学研究生课程(硕士或博士)。. 参与的学生将获得最高10美元的奖金,000 a year in scholarship money and enroll in a 1-credit seminar course each semester until they graduate. 研讨会课程将包括同侪辅导, 职业发展, 学术支持, and activities such as visits to companies and scientific conferences.


  • 每年高达1万美元的奖学金支持
  • 良好的职业发展机会
  • 来自同事和教师的个性化指导
  • 参加科学会议
  • Assistance obtaining research opportunities, admission to graduate programs, and employment
  • Reserved registration for select chemistry courses

大一新生和转学生都被鼓励申请外部奖学金,除了他们获得的任何UIW奖励. 许多组织提供奖学金, and there are many free search engines that students can use to find these opportunities. See a list of these search engines, as well as some currently available scholarships.


For additional opportunities for financial aid, consult the Office of Financial Assistance website.


请注意这些奖学金是给新生的, 转移, 第一个学士学位, 主校区, 仅限全日制学生.If you are an international undergraduate student interested in applying for scholarships, visit the 国际招生奖学金页面.